The SunLite OTDR is a lightweight, handheld mini OTDR optimized for the installation and troubleshooting of FTTx, PON, CATV, Mobile Backhaul, and Metro fiber networks. Weighing less than 700g ( 1.54....
XLPE -N2XSY ( 24 KV) 1 ) N2XSY ( 1 X 35) - rp 126.000, 00 / meter 2 ) N2XSY ( 1 X 50) - rp 144.000, 00 / meter 3 ) N2XSY ( 1 X 70) - rp 172.800, 00 / meter 4 ) N2XSY ( 1 X 95) - rp 216.000, 00 / ....
Making Software Professional in the Special Mobile Sadap Specialis Jasa Software Sadap HP HP Software Services Specialist Sadap Software Sadap Khusus Handphone Nokia, Spy phone, software sadap....
The Sumitomo� � � s Z1C is the future of splicing machine market due to its following features ultra fast splicing ( 7 sec) , ultra fast heating ( 28 sec) , low on its maintainces, touch screen, user....
Fusion Splicer Electrodes Our replacement electrodes last just as long as the original equipment parts they replace but for half the price. Each electrode is manufactured to exceed the....
We are an Authorized Dealer for Tools Fiber Optic Telecom, Fusion Splicer & Repair, We only sell the famous brands. The prices we offer are very competitive. We are located in Tangerang City....
One more from Bandung. Pilus was one of favorite snack from Bandung. Crunchy and crispy.
Selling many variant of salty sea fish from Medan as teri medan, udang asin, sotong, etc
We sell products food grade grease and oil for the needs of the industry , such as gear boxes , pumps , compressors , hydraulic and turbine . Our products already bersertifiikat kosher . and has been....
We are a company engaged in the procurement of spare parts and repair services and oil that has been experienced. Good for improvement overhoule services, repair machinery generators and boats as....
Thanks To the CAREX FIRE BLANKET, Only 2 trained personal Can Now : - Extinguish the fire in abaout 10 minutes - Provide time for the fire vehicles to access incident - Protect surrounding cars....
Design and manufacturing hydraulic system power pack/ hydraulic system Power unit... Jasa desain, assembly, pembuatan dan perbaikan hidrolik power pack/ power unit.
Stainless Steel Gas Double Kwali Range High Pressure With Double Soup Ring Dimensions 2000 x 900 x 750/ 1110 mm Material Stainless Steel SUS 201 / 304Tebal 1, 2mm High Pressure Gas Consumption ....
Plan Achromat Objective Lens To improve overall optical performance of the MI-40, Advanced Image Concepts introduces a newly designed generation of PLAN ACHRO objectives made of high quality....
Atilla Pratama Mandiri is a company engaged in the field of supplier for laboratory equipment and quality control. Supported by the best brand in Asia and America, we can guarantee serve customers....
SOFA | GORDEN/ GORDYN.| SERVICE SOFA | WALLPAPER | KARPET | LAUNDRY SOFA/ GORDYN.( 021-70425002/ 021-99913980) kami bergerak di bidang Home Interior Dekorasi yang berkomitmen membuat proses....
4 Ch. CIF full real time, H.264 compression3G Dongle SupportedEmbedded LINUX, 1 SATA HDD SPECIFICATIONS Processor High performance embedded microprocessor Operating System Embedded LINUX ....
ARTHA KONSTRUKSI A. PEMBUATAN R. STUDIO & KARAOKE Dengan soundproff , kedap suara dan peredam suara B.PEKERJAAN ALUMINIUM KACA 1. Pekerjaan lantai kaca dan skylight / atap kaca 2.....
Selling window film to our building is GLASS FILM DISTRIBUTORS BUILDING together serve gedung.kami installation of window film window film sells various types of buildings, among others: Riben GLASS....
Upper : Canvas 12 oz Listing : Rubber 30" Outsole : Rubber Size : 37-43